We are dedicated as a company to releasing the full potential of the Episys system to the credit unions that have made the decision to run one of the most powerful systems available.

Our goal in designing the product was to give the necessary information to the MSR, so that they could decide on a product in the two most common types of contact with the member.  A member initiated contact, in which the MSR has to evaluate the account and decide on the cross sell opportunitiy in less than 30 seconds and a credit union initiated contact where the MSR has more time to evaluate the account before contact is made with the member.  We have targeted one minute and 30 seconds of preparation time since even in a credit union initiated contact the MSR’s time is limited.

Member CrossSell Solution has been designed from the MSR perspective.  We determined that if it is not simple and effective for the MSR to use, then it doesn’t matter what kind of reports or integration is available because the MSR will not use it. 

Member CrossSell Solution functions completely within Symitar, it is all based on the Symitar PowerOn capabilities. 

      No additional products run that the MSR needs to switch between. 

      No Symconnect license is necessary. 

      No additional servers are needed.

      No outside reporting system is used.   

      Click here to see some of MCS features.












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Member CrossSell Solution